2013 Goals Survey for Schools

Private School Marketing - 2013 Goals for Improvement

As 2012 comes to an end, I’m sure (if you are anything like me), you look back at your successes of the past year and . . . *gulp* . . .some of our shortcomings as well.  And as you face the new year, there are new things to achieve, improvements you want to make, and goals you are eager to accomplish.

This year, I thought it would be fun to invite school professionals like you from all over the country (and the world!) to submit 1 single goal to improve your school marketing in 2013.  In mid-Decemeber, if a sufficient amount of ideas have been submitted, we will feature some of the best so that everyone can improve in 2013!   If, like us, you serve the private school community, feel free to join in as well – just adapt the form below to your information (substitute your agency/organization for “school”, etc.)

You might suggest goals like:

  • “I want to start learning to use social media better, particularly ____________ because I see it as a practical way to showcase our school to our community.  I’ve procrastinated enough – in 2013, I’m gonna get it done!”
  • “I will finally develop an editorial calendar so press releases, blog posts and newsletters don’t sneak up on me and leave me behind!”
  • “I am determined to reduce our direct mail newsletter distribution by 50% and try and shift many of those recipients to e-newsletters.”
  • “I will learn how to use Facebook ads to promote our Open House.”
  • “I will start blogging – and get the Head of School to do the same – no small task!”
  • “I will work to determine a referral program for our school that doesn’t cost us a fortune in gift certificates to our campus store or Starbucks’ gift cards!”
  •  . . . or anything else like that!

Use the form below to submit your most important goal for 2013 marketing success for your school.  Limit it to your ONE best idea!   The chance of getting featured depends on the uniqueness of your idea.  If 2 or more submit a similar idea, we’ll pick the one with the best description of why it’s important and how it will help your school.

We all need to learn new things, finally launch that thing we said we’d do LAST year, or stop doing that ineffective thing that your school has been doing ineffectively for many years.  What will you commit to learning how to do?

What is your priority?


2013 Goals for Your School - How Will You Improve?

  • In 100 words or less (sorry - that's the rule!), describe what your goal is / what your priority will be as your begin 2013. Explain why you think it is essential for your school.
  • If featured in our article in mid-December, we will include your name - so spell it correctly 🙂 (you may submit anonymously if you wish, but because this field is required, just type "Anonymous")
  • If featured, next to your name, we will indicate your Title (you can have some fun with this if your official title sounds boring!)
  • If featured, we will indicate the name of your school. If you wish for your school's name to remain unpublished, please at least say something creative about the type and/or location (i.e., "an all girls boarding school in the Northeast" or "a really young Preschool in Texas with aspirations of becoming PK-12 in 5 years!") This is a required field, so have some fun to put something in this blank.
  • List your Twitter handle if you have one. If your idea is so smart, I'm sure other schools will want to hear more from you!
  • Unless you want a bunch of friend requests, just use this place to promote your school's Facebook Page (the kind of page where someone has to "LIKE" your page - not request to be a friend). This is not required, but this would be a nice way to gain a few more fans, right?
  • Feel free to list your contact email address, a Pinterest page, a Google+ page, Linkedin, or however you most would like people to follow you for more great ideas.
  • Accepted file types: (iejpg, gif, png, pdf), Max. file size: 1 GB.
    Alongside your name/time/school, we definitely want to include a photo of you. As long as you submit something the size of your Twitter or Facebook thumbnail (but no 8x10's please!), we can format the photo to make you look like a rock star! *If you do not have a photo (or wish to use one), I will submit a generic image placeholder). Thus, this field is not required - but recommended (or I might put a photo of Big Bird in this space!)