Guest Article: 3 Ingredients for Your School's Social Strategy, Part 1

Recently, I was given the opportunity to contribute a unique article for EdSocialMedia, a national forum discussing the role of social media in education.

Your school’s social media strategy must have a solid foundation before getting bogged down in the tactical choices. While there is a bit of a buzz about Pinterest, a curiosity about Google+, and a (bored) familiarity with the functionality of Facebook, the tools won’t make any difference unless your social media plan is strategic.  It must act as your recipe as to “what-when-where-to-post” to ensure anybody pays attention to what you’re whipping up for them to consume.

Part 1: 3 Ingredients of Your School's Social Strategy



*UPDATEhere’s a link to “Part 2 – 3 Ingredients of Your School’s Social Strategy
