We commit to offering objective and straightforward critique that helps produce long-term results. As marketing coaches, we want you to succeed independent of us, so we assist you in establishing the best practice guidelines and marketing team philosophy so that the marketing team can lead effectively.
We also recognize that transitions in personnel create continuity challenges, so we help your marketing team develop working strategies that accommodate any dynamic of players on the marketing team (tasks and responsibilities are not focused on personalities, but on identifying key knowledge, skills and abilities).
We are believers in Christ. We believe strongly in the principle of Proverbs 16.9 – we apply the most effective strategies for creating systematic marketing plans, yet trust the Lord guides each step of implementation. Prayer is essential as a foundation for each marketing team – asking God for wisdom and understanding so as to establish your school’s longevity and long-term mission.
Marketing is a relationship building discipline for your school – one that enhances retention and generates referrals. We come alongside you to show you how to market your school and showcase all that God is doing on your campus.
Randy & Donny Vaughn, The Marketing Twins at 1429 Creative
Your School Marketing Consultants
Follow us on Twitter: @schoolmktg