National Day of Prayer [ARCHIVE]: GWB proclamation after 9/11

Each year, every first Thursday in May since Ronald Reagan signed the law in 1988, the President of the United States has called the nation to its knees for “National Day of Prayer”.

The proclamations vary according to each President. I read again President George W. Bush’s declaration the May after the previous fall’s terriorist attacks on 9/11. Among many things, President Bush reminded us:

On this National Day of Prayer, I encourage Americans to remember the words of St. Paul: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”


I believe in the power of prayer and earnestly seek Him for His power, protection, blessing and grace upon this nation.

Randy Vaughn

Randy Vaughn, Christian School Marketing Consutant



Did you miss these marketing opportunities at your recent graduation?

Missed marketing opportunities at your private / Christian school graduation

Graduation is one of your school’s best marketing events. Tears of joy, cheers of pride, and years of experiences tell powerful stories of your school’s ability to produce top graduates who are ready to change the world!

However, like many campus events only witnessed by insiders (current families), many marketing opportunities are missed. When prospective families, your ideal target audiences and investigating students want to learn about your school, you need evidence to prove every claim you make on your website. Families are too sophisticated (and appropriately suspicious) of “marketing speak” they see on your brochures or website. They want validation. Highly emotional moments in the life of your school offer numerous opportunities for evidence.

In my recent guest article on, I mention some marketing opportunities you may have overlooked at your recent graduation event.

– in the commencement program, have a full page dedicated to the cumulative amount of scholarship money awarded to the graduating class and from what universities such money came. This is powerful evidence of the type of scholar produced by your school!

Click to read:  “Marketing Fail: 7 Opportunities You Missed at Graduation”

Learn more about our Enrollment Marketing Roadmap PLUS+ to get your enrollment strategy back on track!

Winning Over Families: Part 2 of 2

Winning Over Families for Your Private School

In a previous post about winning over prospective families for your school, we looked at 4 popular marketing tools that private schools use in showcasing themselves, including your school’s website, the printed marketing collateral, your high-priced overview video and recruiting events.

But let’s be honest:  while these are likely necessary elements in your overall marketing mix, there are many prospective families who are not yet ready to commit.  One of their most obvious questions is:  “does everyone really look that nice?”  While some families are easily convinced, others shout out for proof:  “Sure, you’re a great school, but show me the evidence!

Here are 3 ways to showcase this evidence: (more…)