Are you struggling to attract new families to your school? Students graduate, they leave for financial reasons, or they move away. Who is going to fill their seat? If you have a waiting pool of students, that’s great. But most schools I talk to around the country are struggling with enrollment declines or large vacancies at certain grade levels. Plus, since this is an ongoing issue, wouldn’t it be nice to have a systematic approach to generating new leads for your school?
In this episode of the School Marketing Podcast (length – 14:29): (more…)

I have spoken with Christian schools across the country and have seen tuition rates range from $3500 to over $20,000 per year. But you know what is interesting about that range? Each school tells me there are families that struggle to make that payment and some prospective families who claim that the tuition is out of their price range (yes, even in the $3500/year category). Depending on the size of the town and the socio-economics of the region, some parents write the check with ease while others work extra hard to make that happen.
So what do tuition payments have to do with marketing your school? Here are 5 considerations:

[Scroll to bottom to listen to interview and to visit shownotes of this post for links to items mentioned in this episode]
In this episode of the School Marketing Podcast, I interview Rudi Gesch, Director of Marketing and Enrollment at Eastern Christian School in New Jersey. Eastern Christian School recently launched their Do Life Big video. Like most “school community videos,” and Lip Dubs, Do Life Big features hundreds of smiling, singing, and dancing students from and faculty as they showcase their school’s programs, culture, and facilities, but this has a unique twist that has generated so many comments, social shares, and general “buzz” around the video.
In talking with admissions and marketing professionals like you, one of the common questions I get is:
“How do I create compelling video stories when I’m the only person on my marketing team?”
In a guest post, myself and Rick Newberry of Enrollment Catalyst get this same question posed to us. Our responses are in this article by Mia Johnstone of LA Private School Guide Network.
READ: “Gathering video stores: Q and A w Mia Johnstone, Rick Newberry, and Randy Vaughn”