In 2015, there will be a few changes to the School Marketing Podcast, but some things will remain the same (listen to the podcast at the bottom of this post).
- We will continue to deliver high-quality content, ideas, resources about marketing your school. It’s only a short podcast twice a month, but combined with other content we produce, we trust it will be valuable.
- It is our goal to deliver 2 podcast episodes each month. While a biweekly schedule is preferred, at this time, I will commit to getting the two episodes, even if they come at the same time (sometimes a 2-part series lends itself better to coming at once); it’s not like the podcast should be offering “cliffhangers” where you have to wait 14 days to hear the rest of the series!
- On our solo shows, we will continue to keep them to the unique 14 minutes and 29 seconds in length. The name of our parent company is 1429 Creative (more here about the story behind “1429” . . . yes it is a Bible reference) and that’s why we chose the length. Research continues to show that somewhere around 20 minutes is the optimum length of a podcast (although I listen just fine to podcasts that are much longer). These solo shows will happen once a month.
- While the solo shows will be once a month, most likely Randy will be the only host. As we reviewed our processes, we kept running into challenges of getting both of us in the same room to co-host the show. So, just as we did in a few episodes in 2014, Randy will host the solo shows that will feature Randy delivering content on a specific topic – and that will be in the 14:29 length format. Hopefully you will hear Donny some in 2015 but expect that to be as a special guest from time to time.
- The other episode each month will hopefully be a guest interview. We have had guests before, but only one guest in 2014 (listen to our 2-part series with marketing guru, John Jantsch, last spring). In 2015, we will do more guest interviews. This is an exciting change that I know will allow you to hear more success stories and great content from others who are in the school marketing space.
- While we have always asked for reviews of the podcast on iTunes (that makes sense, so that others perusing iTunes can see that this podcast offers value), we also know it is often easier to make a review on our Facebook page. So while we welcome reviews of this show on iTunes, we know encourage you to leave us a review of the podcast on our Facebook page, too!
We’re looking forward to a great year in 2015!
When we discuss with Christian schools about the “3 Rs of School Marketing”, everyone agrees that while recruiting to increase enrollment is important (but costly), it is the school’s retention efforts that are often the most neglected area of attention. We all know that it costs more to find/nurture/lead a new family to apply than to retain a current one. Yet, it is often the area most neglected.
We curate some great ideas on retention on our Pinterest board:
Follow Randy’s board Retention: Private Schools on Pinterest.
Here are 3 practical ideas I have found on the idea of retaining families and curtailing attrition (yes, we can get ideas from businesses who need to also retain customers):
- Organize a private Facebook group: invite 10, 20, or 30 of your best “ambassadors” who are active on Facebook. When you post something to your school’s Facebook page, you put a quick note into that private group and remind everyone to like, comment and share it on their personal profiles. If your head of school just launched a new podcast, if your Admissions Director just announced a new Open House or if your Head Volleyball coach just announced that one of your seniors signed on with a prestigious college, then this group is notified immediately. This is an online extension of the network you are building face-to-face. BONUS READ: “Creating Raving Fans and Parent Ambassadors“
- Put them on video: with smartphones providing such great video quality, it is easier and easier to capture parent testimonials. To ensure this process is as efficient as possible, ask the family to provide a brief script of what they will say. Ask them to answer 3 questions: (1) what was your frustration with the school environment you were at before, (2) what was the most significant person/activity that has impacted your son/daughter, and (3) what are the obvious benefits/results you are seeing. When families have to spend an evening thinking through these questions, this solidifies their commitment to your school. BONUS READ: “9 Tips For A Successful Retention Program“
- One-on-One interview with leadership: consider targeting families who you know are “fence-sitters” and invite them to a one-on-one coffee/lunch with the head of school. Nothing says “you are important here” than to have a face-to-face with the leadership. Start having conversations that ignite a reputation for being truly open and honest. Fence-sitters have complaints, gripes and questions about the value they are investing. They cannot always be appeased, but listening to their concerns (without judgment, pushback or correction) means they are heard. BONUS: The TV show, “Undercover Boss”, shows the importance of humble leaders who listen to the needs of its people. BONUS READ: “Cultivating Loyal Ambassadors“
Listen to episode #29 of the School Marketing Podcast where we talk about retention strategies:

PHOTO CREDIT: http://www.desk.com/blog/customer-support-myths/
[NOTE: This post is written in October 2014 – things with Facebook change almost without notice and they change it often, so our tips regarding Facebook should be followed in light of Facebook’s ever-changing landscape.]

If you are an Facebook admin of several Facebook pages, you know the frustration of having to switch back-n-forth between identities on Facebook. Even if you do not manage any other Facebook page, you still have to navigate between your Page and your personal profile.
In this brief video [6 minutes], Randy explains how easy it is to like, comment and share on various posts.

Are you struggling to market your school? Do you know how to properly target your promotional communications? What factors should your school consider when implementing an effective and practical marketing plan?
Learn the do’s and don’ts of effective marketing, and discover new and innovative strategies to improve your school’s outreach. Participants will learn how to develop a highly-targeted communication strategy, as well as creative approaches to improve marketing efforts.
Join me on December 11, 2014 at 4p (CT) / 3p (ET) as the guest presenter during the NBOA Winter Webinar Series. (NBOA is the National Business Officers Association.)
* Free for NBOA members; $75 for non-members