Living in the Fort Worth-Dallas metro area, we have always been fans of “Amercia’s Team”, the Dallas Cowboys. A few hours south is the “other NFL Texas team”, the Houston Texans. In this episode of our “Faith & Inspiration” series, we feature a heart-warming story of Houston Texan, J.J. Watt. You may have seen a recent post-game interview after J.J. signed a lucrative long-term contract with the Texans, where he reports to have Googled, “what do rich people buy?” But this is yet another story about the generous side of J.J. and his support of 3 young Berry children who were orphaned after their parents were killed in a car accident.
Click the image below to watch this inspirational video:

Chris Syme, Owner/Partner, CKSyme Media Group, is an outstanding resource for crisis communication and social media safety. In a previous post, we highly recommend Chris’ book on using social media in the midst of a crisis.
In a recent post, Chris presents 5 tips to help parents navigate the world of social media here in 2014 (although I don’t usually like the date my articles, it is only fitting to affix a date to an article about social media so future readers will know from what year we are talking about an ever-changing landscape).
- Establish boundaries and guidelines
- Stay current on what’s going on in the social media world
- Be aware of how social media is used for cyber harassment, and educate
- Offer social media classes for parents and students at all ages
- Consider establishing a “No-Cell Zone”
Click here to read the full article with a full explanation of each of the 5 tips from Chris Syme (@cksyme)

Your school is never at a loss for events to post about on social media. Just keeping up with posting these events will keep your social media team on their toes!
Here are 5 tips to marketing your school events more efficiently and with the greatest social impact:
- Use Hashtags – whether it is Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or especially Instagram, (more…)

If you are the Head of School, you know your role is about INFLUENCE. This impact current families, donors, alumni and of course, prospective families. But what are the tools you are using to build that influence?
If you relying on personal interaction, you will be effective but very limited to how many people you can shake hands with and have a conversation. And frankly, for most prospective families, they likely consider you “out of reach” and not very accessible. If you wait until they are on your campus to have a conversation with them or to give a presentation at an Open House, you have lost the opportunity nurture those prospective families much earlier in the enrollment process, thus possibly missing out on the critical step in developing these future families into LOYAL AMBASSADORS (families who REPEAT and REFER).
Social media affords us many opportunities to reach your prospective families with your influence. You should likely be on Twitter (here’s a quick course on getting started on Twitter) and you should consider starting a blog (here’s how you can launch a blog in 15 minutes or less). But in this episode of our bi-weekly podcast, we introduce the possibility of podcasting.
Podcasting is growing in popularity as a tool to build influence. Podcasting allows you to:
- be INTIMATE with your audience audience,
- go IN-DEPTH and behind-the-scenes,
- share INSIGHTS and stories, and
- INSPIRE current and prospective families!
In this episode (only 14 minutes and 29 seconds long), you will explore these 5 reasons why every head of school, administrator or school leader should start podcasting now!. See our shownotes at the conclusion of this post.

SHOWNOTES: (more…)