![[Course] Managing Your School’s Online Reputation - Private & Christian School Marketing](http://www.yourschoolmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/FB_ad_large_online_reputation_course.jpg)
When prospective families are looking at schools, they are armed with the tools to investigate and know everything about you and your competition. They compare you based on many factors, but one of the most powerful is the testimony of current families.
Online reviews (good and bad) affect how your prospective families see you – what is your online reputation?
As well, you will learn what do you do when you receive a negative review from an angry parent? How do you respond, or do you? This course has been created in response to the concerns of many school administrators who wonder how they are presenting their brand online.
![Managing Your School's Online Reputation [Course] Managing Your School's Online Reputation - Ideal for Private, Independent and Christian Schools](http://www.yourschoolmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/sma_course_735_onlinerep.png)

I’m so excited to finally have the opportunity to interview John Jantsch of Duct Tape Marketing! John has been a marketing mentor of mine since I was invited to join the global network of Duct Tape Marketing consultants in 2007. At the time of this episode (May 2014), John is launching his 4th book, “Duct Tape Selling: Think Like a Marketer, Sell Like a Superstar“. When I heard John was going to be launching this book, I reached out to him and asked if he would join me for this podcast and he graciously accepted.
I know that many in the Admissions community may not enjoy thinking of themselves as “selling”. I do not pretend to equate what you do with that of a traditional salesman, I do think there is a similar function inside the organization. One premise of John’s book is that any disconnect or tension that has previously existed between sales and marketing, should no longer keep a business, nonprofit or school from adopting a new look at marketing and sales. In many schools, you may wear every single hat of communication, online presence, admissions and PR. But in many schools, the marketing arm is run by board members, the web/IT folks, a group of volunteers or a conglomerate of all of these players (where everyone considers their job as “marketing” yet no one is talking to the other!)
My interview was so good that I decided to split this interview into a 2-part series so we could continue our unique 14-minute/29-second podcast format. In this first episode, I ask John a few simple questions about:
- How do admission personnel serve both as marketers and salespeople?
- What are the key elements of selling and how has this changed over the years?
- How does this impact our relationship building with prospective families?
- What is the role of social media in relationship building with current and prospective students and families
- What has replaced the traditional pitching and promoting our “billboard and brochure” mentality?
- What roles does storytelling play in this new way of marketing and selling in the school environment?
- How do schools incorporate content marketing, SEO and social media into local search?
- What kind of content should a school produce to effectively reach our ideal prospective family?
See our shownotes at the conclusion of this post for details, links, and other resources that we may have mentioned in this episode.
SHOWNOTES: (more…)

The sin of social media is self-promotion.
Just because social media is “free” (and it’s increasingly costing more to participate), it does not mean it is a venue for “free advertising”! And worse, it does not mean it is a venue for incessant self-promotion. In reality, you have to understand this mantra when it comes to social media:
“It’s not about US, it’s about THEM.”
When all of your social media postings are about your school, this is what I consider as “scrapbook” content. It is not evil, but it requires an important question be asked.
Who’s the audience?
Scrapbooks are typically a lot more interesting and compelling for those who have experienced something (a summer camp, a vacation, etc.) If you gather your friends who experienced this with you and shared your scrapbook with them, you could sit for hours and reminisce about all the wonderful memories. Everyone would already recall the specific people involved (i.e., those funny camp counselors or that hiking guide who seemed to always get his facts wrong!) You would find yourself pouring over that scrapbook for a long time, oo-in and ah-ing over every visual reminder of the experience!
Now try and gather 5 friends who did not experience what you did. This is common on mission trips to far-away places (I was a missionary for 10 years, so I got this feeling a lot). You get out the scrapbook and start to share detailed accounts of every photo and feeling that same enthusiasm — except that your realize your audience of 5 is less engaged. Sure, they start out interested, but eventually, they cannot make the connection because they do not have the emotional attachment that you do. In a matter of minutes, you find yourself flipping hurriedly through the stack of photos only to hear them say at the end, “Wow, that was neat. Now, where do you want to go to lunch?”
When your school exclusively posts “scrapbook” content on your Facebook page (or other social platform), you will showcase some interesting things about your school, but it is unlikely that your content will resonate with your prospective families.
Here are 5 sins of social media scrapbooking:

In a special edition of the School Marketing Podcast, we announce the School Marketing Academy!
At the School Marketing Academy, we offer self-paced, low-cost, online school marketing courses designed to help you learn marketing.
Currently, we have multiple courses about social media, Facebook, online reviews (coming soon) and more to come. Plus, in order to give you a taste of what the School Marketing Academy is like, we are offering a FREE course, “The 3 Rs of School Marketing: Recruitment, Retention and Referrals”