Need new ideas for your next open house?
I have the privilege as serving as a Contributor to the EdSocialMedia Blog. I have written a few articles in the past:
Because there are a great number of Contributors, a movement started of requesting tagged Contributors to share interesting (and random) facts about themselves so readers could get the know the Contributors better. I was recently tagged, so I wanted to share my contribution with you. Click on the image above on the link below.
Getting to Know You: Q&A with Randy Vaughn
The best way to attract targeted audiences is to offer them something of value, not a promotional brochure. Schools are conditioned and prone to be some of the worse self-promoters, but just about every business is guilty of it. But if we do not promote, how will they come?
I suggest that there are 3 easy ways to produce content that will attract the right kinds of families to your school: (more…)
Listen, Engage, Respond is the most comprehensive e-manual for using social media as part of an overall crisis communications strategy.
You’ll find that nobody understands how to use social media to prevent and manage a crisis better than CKSyme Media Group principal, Chris Syme. (I love my Kindle version – it is a go-to resource!)
(NOTE: to buy a pdf copy, please contact