Inspiration: Middle School Boys That You Want At Your School

Olivet Middle School Football Team

Another great story in our “Inspiration and Faith” series – love seeing what “heart” can do in the actions of middle school boys, an unlikely group to display such grace on (and off) the field.

Click the play button above to watch the video

School marketing podcast #22: Email Marketing: Communicating with Prospective Families, Too!

Christian School marketing podcast #22: Email Marketing: Communicating with Prospective Families, Too!

In a previous post, we suggested that email marketing may be the most effective marketing tool your school is NOT using to talk to prospective families. Rather than communicating ONLY with internal current families in your school, you need to have an intentional email marketing system to talk to prospective families. While you want to chronicle the events of your school, this is not the most important thing to a prospective family – and worse, you could make them feel excluded. In this podcast episode, we discuss the rationale for even having two different email marketing systems – one for current families and another for prospective families. Learn how to capture new email addresses (without spamming your prospective families):

  • You probably already have a folder of email addresses that have been filled out on open house/campus tour cards.
  • Look into your computer’s mail program (Outlook, MacMail).
  • With a service like Constant Contact, embed an “opt-in” code on your site so people can subscribe to a newsletter (only ask for name and email address).
  • Have people sign up for your newsletter into a computer or tablet set up at a marketing event (Open House)
  • Offer premium content that people will give you their email address in exchange for something of great value (useful tips for parenting, helping Seniors find college scholarships, etc.)
  • Ask people on Twitter and Facebook to subscribe to your email list.
  • Put a call-to-action at the end of each blog post or page.


  1. Subscribe to our email marketing newsletter for tips on marketing your Christian school.
  2. Try Constant Contact with a FREE trial.

17 great opt-in headlines that will increase your list of prospective families in order to grow your school

17 great opt-in headlines that will increase your list of prospective families in order to grow your Christian school

Still one of the best ways to market your school is the consistent use of email marketing.  “I don’t think our emails garner much attention,” you might suggest? In another recent post, I suggest a few important reasons why your school’s current email marketing system is NOT working well.

The point of great content is to make your case inside somewhat neutral content (heavily slanted toward your school’s greatness, but not overly promotional) while capturing the prospective’s email address in the process.  This ensures you grow your email list which allows you to reach a greater number of people.

Below I categorize the headlines to give you different ways to think about this kind of content.  In this article, I offer some ideas for magnetic opt-in content that your prospective families will crave and click on: (more…)

2 Unlikely Wrestling Opponents Win Our Hearts

Another feature in our “Inspiration & Faith” series, this is a great story of 2 young men who love wrestling.  Demetrius de Moors and Michael Lind never imagined wrestling against one another, but this feel-good story is a demonstration of passion, compassion and a love for the sport.

Share this with your athletes and remind them about the importance of sportsmanship and character.  As Demtrius explains,”with the crowd watching and the cameras on me, how would I want it to be?”  I think he did it just right.

Christian school marketing inspirational story - wrestler sportsmanshipClick to watch this amazing story about 2 young men who love the sport of wrestling.

Do you have a story to share? Tell us about it.