This past Memorial Day, our family made the intentional decision not to just make this holiday about sleeping in, eating a lot of food and hanging out.
We had heard an interview on a local radio station about a Memorial Day fundraiser for an organization called “Carry the Load.” Being a running family, this intrigued me enough to listen further. One of the beneficiaries of this year’s Memorial Day CTL event was to be another organization called “Sons of the Flag”. SOTF is dedicated to raising awareness for and helping burn victims, either soldiers, firefighters, or civilians.
The Executive Director, Ryan “Birdman” Parrott, was being interviewed (more…)
Finally, the final installment on creating an effective social system for your school. In our third episode in this 3-part series (see SHOWNOTES below for links to the other episodes in this series), you will discover that the only true way to have a long-term social strategy is to be INTENTIONAL.
WHDH-TV 7News BostonBernie Zak believes his Twitter campaign (using hashtag #ACCEPTBERNIEUCLA) helped him get into UCLA,the dream choice of colleges for this senior of Brooklyn High School. UCLA officials say not so much. Regardless if Zak’s social efforts had any real impact on UCLA’s decision, the university says they were aware of his tweets (he scheduled a 50-tweet blitz but after only 18, he received his acceptance notification from the Bruins). This is yet another example of how your students are taking to social media to do things that we never did at their age. Here are 5 questions you should ask: (more…)