I loved this story when I saw it today in my Google alerts set for “Christian school” (if you are not using Google alerts, you should. It is a great way to keep up with what is published online about your school, your competition or your community). If you are short on time to manage your school’s online reputation, think about enlisting the help of some parental assistance – here’s an article on how to keep your school volunteers helping you with your marketing efforts.)
Bellingham Christian School in northwest Washington is often subject to dreary weather conditions. How cool to read that, rather than canceling classes because of inclement weather like we do in Texas (even if there’s a single inch of snow), Bellingham Christian School principal, Bob Sampson, announced via the school’s website that school would be closed due to GREAT weather (see actual website announcement screenshot above). Read a longer story here and click below to listen to the replay of the phone interview with a Seattle radio station and Bellingham Christian School’s Mr. Sampson.
Show BCS some encouragement: like the Bellingham Christian School Facebook Page! (find the local story on their Timeline in early May 2013 and like/comment to show them how cool you think this story is!)

Parent to complaining to another parent: “I just didn’t think we mattered to that school. My kids never showed up on the Facebook page nor anywhere on the website. They were not the top athlete, the 4.0 scholar, nor the best in theater. It seemed like it was always the same “pretty people” kids that got their pictures taken. I just got tired and transferred to nearby school where we feel just as important as everyone else.”
This was what one parent told me at a private school last year in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. She regretted leaving the previous school because she had graduated from high school from that same school). But her pain and frustration was real. (more…)

As private and Christian school marketing consultants, we get many of the same questions about how to increase enrollment, how to improve word-of-mouth marketing, and a lot of questions about using social media for schools.
Probably one of the most common questions we get is:
“What kind of things should we post on our school’s Facebook page?”
The answer I give them can also apply to other social platforms, especially your school’s blog, Twitter and Pinterest. (more…)

We hope you will take advantage of our bi-weekly school marketing podcast! Most episodes run only 14 minutes and 29 seconds – with the exception of our quarterly guest interviews (which might be up to 50 min in length). You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes – currently the only podcast in the K-12 category dedicated to private school marketing. Below are two 5-star reviews we have received this year (if you have a review of your own, we welcome your review on iTunes – the more reviews, the more likely other schools can find this podcast, too!)

“If you are involved with marketing a school do yourself a favor and listen to the Your School Marketing Podcast. Randy and Donny deliver a ton of actionable information about marketing your school in 15 minutes. I find myself looking forward to each weeks episode and then trying to techniques and tips they discuss!”
~ by SchneiderB

“Anyone involved in school marketing should listen to these podcasts, which are packed with valuable information. I also highly recommend them to school administrators looking for ideas on how to use social media to promote the great things happening in their schools.
– by S_bearden
As we continue to produce new podcast episodes for 2013, (more…)