Chris Syme, Owner/Partner, CKSyme Media Group, is an outstanding resource for crisis communication and social media safety. In a previous post, we highly recommend Chris’ book on using social media in the midst of a crisis.
In a recent post, Chris presents 5 tips to help parents navigate the world of social media here in 2014 (although I don’t usually like the date my articles, it is only fitting to affix a date to an article about social media so future readers will know from what year we are talking about an ever-changing landscape).
- Establish boundaries and guidelines
- Stay current on what’s going on in the social media world
- Be aware of how social media is used for cyber harassment, and educate
- Offer social media classes for parents and students at all ages
- Consider establishing a “No-Cell Zone”
Click here to read the full article with a full explanation of each of the 5 tips from Chris Syme (@cksyme)

Your school is never at a loss for events to post about on social media. Just keeping up with posting these events will keep your social media team on their toes!
Here are 5 tips to marketing your school events more efficiently and with the greatest social impact:
- Use Hashtags – whether it is Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or especially Instagram, (more…)

As part of our “Inspiration & Faith Series”, we were inspired about this post we saw on Facebook recently.
The Bible says we need to impress His word on our hearts. Think we can all agree she understands that message and we love her spirit.
Watch the video below:

It’s SUMMER . . . but it is almost time for school to start again! For some private schools, school begins mid-August which is now just a little over a month away. The fall marketing season will be in full swing in less than two months and that is not the time to start scrambling, trying to figure out what to work on.
In this episode, we talk about 5 essential marketing tools you need to have launched and ready to go.
See our shownotes at the conclusion of this post.

SHOWNOTES: (more…)
As part of our “Inspiration & Faith Series”, we recently saw this video during the World Cup. The story is about a young man who has overcome physical obstacles in his life with the help of some amazing friends.
Even if you are not a fan of soccer or you did not watch a single moment of the World Cup, we believe you will be a fan of Carlos, Helio and Regiane after watching this piece from ESPN’s Tom Rinaldi.
Trust us … Watch the video below:
(ESPN has not made this video available to be viewed on some mobile devices. Watch it on your desktop if you are unavailable to view on your phone.)

The sin of social media is self-promotion.
Just because social media is “free” (and it’s increasingly costing more to participate), it does not mean it is a venue for “free advertising”! And worse, it does not mean it is a venue for incessant self-promotion. In reality, you have to understand this mantra when it comes to social media:
“It’s not about US, it’s about THEM.”
When all of your social media postings are about your school, this is what I consider as “scrapbook” content. It is not evil, but it requires an important question be asked.
Who’s the audience?
Scrapbooks are typically a lot more interesting and compelling for those who have experienced something (a summer camp, a vacation, etc.) If you gather your friends who experienced this with you and shared your scrapbook with them, you could sit for hours and reminisce about all the wonderful memories. Everyone would already recall the specific people involved (i.e., those funny camp counselors or that hiking guide who seemed to always get his facts wrong!) You would find yourself pouring over that scrapbook for a long time, oo-in and ah-ing over every visual reminder of the experience!
Now try and gather 5 friends who did not experience what you did. This is common on mission trips to far-away places (I was a missionary for 10 years, so I got this feeling a lot). You get out the scrapbook and start to share detailed accounts of every photo and feeling that same enthusiasm — except that your realize your audience of 5 is less engaged. Sure, they start out interested, but eventually, they cannot make the connection because they do not have the emotional attachment that you do. In a matter of minutes, you find yourself flipping hurriedly through the stack of photos only to hear them say at the end, “Wow, that was neat. Now, where do you want to go to lunch?”
When your school exclusively posts “scrapbook” content on your Facebook page (or other social platform), you will showcase some interesting things about your school, but it is unlikely that your content will resonate with your prospective families.
Here are 5 sins of social media scrapbooking: