Looking for a way to get your school marketing questions answered for FREE?

School Marketing Lunch Hour Show with Randy Vaughn @schoolmktg

This year, we are changing things up a bit!

We will continue our School Marketing Podcast but one of the episodes each month will be a 60-minute long recap of our new, “School Marketing Lunch Hour Show”!

Just like you, we are always want to deliver helpful and valuable content to you, our audience, in a variety of ways: video, audio and written. We have enjoyed the twice-a-month podcast, but rather than a solo show about a topic, we decided to let you participate and get your school marketing questions answered.

Here are the details:

On the last Friday of each month, we will be on a live phone conference at Noon CST. For those who cannot attend during that time, the recording will be uploaded as a podcast each month. That podcast will be available through iTunes or Stitcher radio, but also we post a link to it on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and our blog.

For some weeks, we will have pre-assigned big topics and allow you to submit your specific questions related to that topic. Some months, we may just do a free-for-all, open-line Friday show where you can submit a question about ANY topic.


Friday, Noon CST – January 29, 2016

Friday, Noon CST – February 26, 2016

Friday, Noon CDT – March 25, 2016

Friday, Noon CDT – April 29, 2016

Friday, Noon CDT – May 27, 2016

No “Lunch Hour Show” in June or July!

The August-December dates will be verified and confirmed at a later time.



The live phone conference will be muted to ensure a quality recording, so unfortunately, we cannot take live calls on the show. However, we have 5 other easy ways to submit your question:

  1. FORM – complete the form below with your name/email/question.
  2. TWEETclick here to populate the first part of a tweet to @schoolmktg (Randy Vaughn on Twitter)
  3. EMAIL – email your question to lunch@yourschoolmarketing.com (use this specific email address to get your message seen)
  4. TEXT – text us your question by, if you are on a mobile device, texting your question to 8327ENROLL (no spaces; or text 832-736-7655)
  5. FACEBOOK – typically the week of the show, we will post a link to the topic and ask you to submit your comments on that particular Facebook post. If you do not yet LIKE us on Facebook, do that now! Since we do not have an army of social media soldiers to peruse all these sites, we simply ask you to follow the instructions above to contact us in any of the 5 above ways (and only those 5).

We hope you take advantage and send us your questions. When the question/topic match up, we will mention your question during the live show and do our best to answer it.