Because there are a great number of Contributors, a movement started of requesting tagged Contributors to share interesting (and random) facts about themselves so readers could get the know the Contributors better. I was recently tagged, so I wanted to share my contribution with you. Click on the image above on the link below.
Most likely your school is gearing up for your next marketing and admission season. The effort to recruit and find new families is so important to the life of the school (and to your school’s budget!) We even addressed this in the recent two-part series “Attracting the Right Kinds of Families to Your School” in podcast episode #24and #25. In episode #26, we also got a little more specific into what types of content marketing you should be producing to capture the attention of these targeted family segments.
In this episode, we talk about a number of fresh ideas you can use BEFORE, DURING and AFTER your next Open House, Preview Night, or other Admission event on your campus.
After a summer hiatus, we are gearing up for the return of the School Marketing Podcast! Here’s some of the topics we will include in our episodes: (more…)
*BREAKING NEWS* Twitter finally rolls out the Vine app for Android devices.
Until yesterday (6/3/13), Vine has been limited to iOS devices (where it has garnered over 13 millions users in just a few short months!) So right now seems like a natural time to talk about the use of the Vine app with private Christian schools. (more…)
As private and Christian school marketing consultants, we get many of the same questions about how to increase enrollment, how to improve word-of-mouth marketing, and a lot of questions about using social media for schools.
Probably one of the most common questions we get is:
“What kind of things should we post on our school’s Facebook page?”
The answer I give them can also apply to other social platforms, especially your school’s blog, Twitter and Pinterest. (more…)