[Watch the story below]
In 2009, former ESPN producer, Lisa Fenn, and graduate of Lutheran West Christian school near Cleveland, chronicled a heart-warming story about two young men, Dartanyon Crockett and Leroy Sutton, and the inspirational bond between two boys with different challenges yet amazing resilience and perseverance. On the Lutheran West Facebook Page, Lisa adds, “Dartanyon and Leroy grubbed their way into my heart four years ago. As an ESPN television features producer at the time, I was always on the hunt for unique athlete pieces…what a privilege to be invited into their private pains and sacred celebrations.”
As the sequel to ESPN’s “Outside The Lines” story, we watch of how Lisa stayed with Dartanyon and Leroy beyond high school and witnessed first hand the generous outpouring of ESPN viewers and the amazing story that one of the men to the 2012 London Paralympics.
This is a story that is going viral on social media – so grab a tissue and use this story in your chapel assemblies, classrooms and any other venue where you want to show family, hope and love in action. This is so good that we are happy to present it to you as our first installment of our “Inspiration & Faith” series.
Having trouble on your device? Click here to watch video on ESPN.com

In April 2013, I had the opportunity to attend the #EdSocialMedia Summit 2013 at the Walnut Hill School for the Arts in Natick, MA, just outside of Boston. In this episode, I will share highlights and takeways from the various speakers who offered practical tips on social media for K12 and HigherEd environments.
I linked to most of the speakers in the shownotes, along with some videos to watch.
– Randy Vaughn (follow me on Twitter: @schoolmktg
Time [14:29]
SHOWNOTES: (more…)

As we continue to offer marketing consulting for private Christian schools all over the U.S., I wanted to give many of our new visitors a summary of the way we deliver free marketing ideas for private schools. We love to give away free ideas and freely share resources that we find all over the web. Here are a variety of ways we share marketing ideas with private schools:
- School Marketing FREE REPORTS (see bottom of this page) – we invite you to download for free any of our free reports (we hope to add a few reports in 2013)
I also found this article that you may want to review as well. What I found interesting is, at the end of the article, the Asker of the question tells you what idea meant the most. You will want to check it out: “Marketing ideas to help increase enrollment in private school?“
Click image below to follow us on Pinterest for ideas, resources and tips for marketing your private school:

For schools not on Pinterest (now or never), it is still essential to consider your school’s visual strategy because parents and prospectives may want to pin your stuff! So even if you have no plans on pinning yourself, be sure and offer them strong pinnable visuals on your web pages, in blog posts and throughout your site that can be pinned (having a quick “Share” button with a Pinterest option is essential). You can also create strong video content on YouTube that can be pinned as well.
Read: A Pinterest strategy without pinboards