Facebook Tip: Log In and Use Facebook As Your Page (Super Identity Switch!)
*UPDATE – SEPT 2014 * – Facebook has made many changes, so the actual steps below are likely outdated. HOWEVER, please go down to “Now here are 5 cool things you can do with your new super identity” – those still apply when you act as your page (not as your personal profile).
One often overlooked feature of Facebook Page administrators is the ability that Facebook gives you to log in, not as you personally, but as the school. It’s very simple to do:
First, login to Facebook as you normally do using your personal email and password:
Next, you will want to click on your school’s official Facebook Page. You will know you are on the right page if you see the “Edit Page” button in the upper right corner (see checkmark in the image below). Then notice the red circle on the right side where it says, “Use Facebook as . . .” (with the text highlighted in yellow + your official organization’s Facebook Page title). Click on the “Use Facebook as . . .”
Now once you click “Use Facebook as . . . (your page) . . .”, you will likely see very little difference on the surface. But if you look deeper, you’ll see different “Notifications” and “Likes” up in the upper left near the Facebook logo.
Now here are 5 cool things you can do with your new super identity: (more…)