![The 3 Rs of School Marketing [FREE REPORT] The 3 Rs of School Marketing [FREE REPORT]](https://www.yourschoolmarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/school_marketing_blog_free_report_3rs.png)
When consulting with Christian schools, private academies and independent preparatory schools, we consistently find the three most commons struggles schools have are in the areas of gaining new students, keeping the ones you have, and getting current families to lead you to their friends.
In this free download, we discuss specific examples in each of the 3 Rs of school marketing:
I think you’ll find this book filled with practical ideas you can implement right away.
Click here to download your free copy of “The 3 Rs of School Marketing”!

The #1 question we get from private schools, Christian academies, and admissions/communications professionals is this:
“What do I post on Facebook?”
In this episode of our school marketing podcast, we share ideas to help you know what to post so that your current families, and the many prospective families watching your news feed, stay with you for a long-term Facebook relationship.
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Previously, I submitted the first part of “3 Ingredient of Your School’s Social Strategy” (click to read Part One). The first two ingredients mentioned in that article, having good “integration” and being “interconnected,” are crucial pieces in a school’s social media strategy. The third ingredient—the special sauce, mentioned in this article—is the strategic effort of making a solid plan.
This is the 2nd part of an article I wrote for EdSocialMedia – a national forum discussing the role of social media in education.

Recently, I was given the opportunity to contribute a unique article for EdSocialMedia, a national forum discussing the role of social media in education.
Your school’s social media strategy must have a solid foundation before getting bogged down in the tactical choices. While there is a bit of a buzz about Pinterest, a curiosity about Google+, and a (bored) familiarity with the functionality of Facebook, the tools won’t make any difference unless your social media plan is strategic. It must act as your recipe as to “what-when-where-to-post” to ensure anybody pays attention to what you’re whipping up for them to consume.

*UPDATE – here’s a link to “Part 2 – 3 Ingredients of Your School’s Social Strategy“

NOTE: If you missed any of the posts in this 3-part series, click here.
In the 2nd of this 3-part series, I begin focusing on how your school can transform your retention efforts! In addition, we will explore in this 3rd post of this series how your referral strategy works together with your retention strategy to cultivate “LOYAL AMBASSADORS.”
The first word of that phrase reminds us all that loyalty helps ensure retention! This is a common consideration in small businesses, but something often overlooked in private schools. As one school administrator told me once, “when we retain even one family, it is our best fund raiser.” So if your school’s financial solvency rests on the keeping your ideal families coming back year-after-year, then what are you doing to intentional cultivate loyalty?
First of all, in the first part of this series, we focused on recruiting the idea family (unless you know what makes someone an ideal family, you’ll be fighting your own efforts at retention). Cultivating loyalty is made much easier when your ideal family is matched with your school’s excellent performance. When an ideal family finds a suitable solution to the academic, spiritual or moral challenges facing them, they are more likely to stay year after year. If at any time, this family feels taken advantage of, or taken for granted, their eyes may be lured elsewhere.
Here are 7 tips on ensuring your ideal families sign on year after year for your private school: (more…)